by Alvin Curran


stills from Trimani video


A  white grand piano is standing on a floor of artificial grass. Built into this piano is a digital device (PianoDisc) that allows the piano to be programmed to play automatically, the piano keys moving by themselves.

On the piano sits a large stuffed black crow – recalling the talking bird in Pasolini’s film, “Uccellacci Uccellini.”  Under it lie assorted old soccer shoes (Pasolini was a soccer enthusiast) and a half-sized model of the famous Piè di Marmo (a Roman marble foot near the Pantheon). The piano is programmed to play a self-generating music composed by Alvin Curran and digitally realized by Angelo Maria Farro. This music has no beginning and no end, and can include references to musics of all peoples and all times. It exists only in the moment in which you listen to it; short and long silences are programmed into the software.

Imbedded in the piano’s music-stand is a computer screen. A video loop includes fragments of music notation and scenes of brilliant underwater life around some of the world’s great coral reefs (by Susan Levenstein).

For the “TUTTO È SANTO” exhibition honoring Pier Paolo Pasolini, at MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Art in Rome, November 14, 2022 through May 28, 2023. In collaboration with Angelo Maria Farro (sound), and Susan Levenstein with Antonio Trimani (video).


video Antonio Trimani

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