by Alvin Curran

"Installation" the buzz-word of our art-beat, is a musical form I have been working in since the mid-60's. The entire theory practice and oeuvre of MEV could be said to be a sound installation. From the concert hall to the worldwideweb, with quarries, caves, fields, oceans, and rivers in between, everywhere is a music theater for me. If in Cagean we understand that any sound is potential music, is in fact music, then occupying the sites and sources of these sounds was a natural consequence of my wanting to embrace the whole sounding world. And this, in celebrations, commemorations, and pure conceptualizations I have been doing happily for some time.

The following is a list with links to descriptions of some of these works, created often in collaboration with likeminded visual artists. While many were typically site-specific, they could all be reproduced anywhere or suggest entirely new realizations or even better, new pieces. An extensive article on several of these pieces in the Leonardo Music Journal: Music From the Center of the Earth.
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